Winter special Date Syrup for babies

There are a lot of variants available in the market but no one can’t beat homemade recipes. When we cook something for our babies we add an extra ingredient and that is our love for our babies. It keeps them more healthy than ready-made supplements. Date syrup is a very good option for those babies who regularly face constipation problems. 

The very first thing we need to do is deseed the dates after de-seeding the dates we need to chop them very finely. Put a pan on a low flame, & add 3 cups of water into a pan and allow the water till it becomes warm. Soak the chopped dates till 30 to 45 minutes into the warm water. After 45 minutes finally meshed the dates in the same water in which it soaked. Strain this mixture with the help of muslin cloth and separate the water, add a little amount of water into the pulp, mash it, and strain it again repeating this process two or three times more. 

Now transfer all the date water into a pan and allow it to boil till the quantity of the liquid remains half or it becomes a thick consistency. Stir it frequently to avoid burning. Once this syrup turns into the honey consistency put off the flame and allow the syrup to cool down. Transfer the syrup into the sterilized dry glass jar. 

Store the syrup jar into the refrigerator for 15 to 20 days and this syrup stays good 10 to 15 days at room temperature. Always use a clean dry steel spoon to take an amount of the date syrup. 

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